No Lens Cap?

So what do I mean by No Lens Cap?

The idea for the name really started when taking photos and having the lens cap on... seriously... that's it. 

But then I kinda figured it applied to life in the sense that you cant live under a blanket. To be constantly protected and not really experience life is no way to live (in my mind).

Why get a camera if all it will do is sit in a bag? You cant take photos in a bag, 50% of photography is being present and another 30% is being able to take the photo. That last 20% is gear, and even then I think it should be less. 

What really had me thinking about this was the DigitalRev Pro Photog Cheap Camera Challege. Its interesting, seeing someone that is more worried about composing a shot within the limitations of their equipment and still pulling out reasonable photos. 

I do have to say a lot of it is talent, which is the fruit of hard work and a bit of natural inclination. But if you look at what a lot of them do its the awareness and interaction with the environment that gets them the great shots. The "protogs" are more interested in the subject and taking in the environment rather than worried about breaking the camera or what lens it has.

And with all the unboxing videos, all the drooling over an extra stop on an lens, more megapixels, and how big the sensor is you have to stop and think for a second... What can I shoot with $3k worth of glass and a 5d Mk 4?

Sports, Concerts, Musicals..? Sure, but you need to work with the venue to get in and have a fee structure setup so the venue and teams/arrtists can purchase photos. Mind you would likely get laughed out of the office if you walked in with a T1i and a kit lens unless you purchase a ticket. But what does that take... you have to physically be there, and its up you you to make that happen.

14mm f/2.8 1/60 ISO6400
I took that photo while riding my bike, leaning over with my left and on the bars, and my camera about 1/2 foot off the pavement. Keep in mind, no auto focus, manual aperture, and I was going maybe 15 mph. I took over 900 photos that night, and about 30% came out as technically good photos (focus, exp, motion blur, ect...). Of the 30% only another half were of decent subjects and composition. 

What am I trying to say with all that? In the span of about 3 hours I rendered about 20 good photos. But also, I was there, I took a risk, and I got what I wanted, which was the feel of going on a bike ride with a fun group of people...

55mm f/2 ISO 50 1/400s

f/5.6 4s 70mm ISO100
55mm f/1.2 1/100s ISO1600

Be present and make sure to keep the lens cap off...

That's what No Lens Cap is about


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