The Start

So this is the start.

I never would have thought I would start a diary and in a way this is it. To me it always seemed useless to just organize a bunch of letters into words into works of text. Who cares...

Well, you dear reader seem to care, so by that resume I think I should care too.

What do I care about? Well, that could be a long confusing journey as sometimes I don't even know. Is it computers today? Or perhaps photography? Maybe some social issue, who knows...

Let's just say dear reader that I will do my best to give a narrative that is as unique as some white male that has coasted through life can give.

So lets start with the central theme I originally came here for... photos.
Lost Lake, OR 14mm f/2.8 30s

One of my most popular photos, I took this when I was really focused on something else in life and wanted to use the short trip as an escape. We had gone to Lost Lake about a month prior to this and I did not get the chance to take the photo I wanted. So one night at 10pm I just kinda decided to drive back up there and take the photo that I wanted to.

When I decided to go, I figured it would be about 2am when I got back so I knew that I had to take some provisions. I stopped off at a truck stop and got the most jet black coffee and mixed it with hot chocolate from the vending machine right next to the decanters. I then proceed to drive for an hour and a half to Lost Lake, going mostly off memory. To say the drive was therapeutic is an understatement. The long winding roads that climbed up to Lost Lake helped put me to calm, and it put me in the mindset that allowed me to get one of the best photos to date.

When I parked, I had to walk about 1/2 mile to the location by the lake. While on the trail I kept finding little trails that led to the lake shore, but it wasn't until the 9th one that I found the perfect framing. The way the light hit the trees was just right, the fallen logs were perfect, there was room for me to work. Under my breath I just kept saying "fuck yes" and thought of the perfect framing that I found.

Getting the photos was easy and almost automatic.
Lost Lake, OR 14mm f/2.8 30s
I got back home at 2 am, and didn't go to sleep until 5am.

I poured out the left over half of coffee/hot chocolate slurry the next day.


Sony a7
Samayang 14mm F/2.8
ISO 200
30 sec
Processed in Light Room
Available for print.

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