What The Hell Am I Doing?

Who am I taking photos for?


There is a great commentary video on YouTube called NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR PHOTOGRAPHY by Ted Forbes. It kinda drives the point home that no one (or very few people) care about the photos that are not taken of/for them. That you can really count on Instagram just being a shitty tinder of photos. 

How long do you look at a photo on Instagram? I am guessing that 80% of most people look at a photo on Instagram for an average 5 seconds. And even then, that 80% will not remember a photo from a week ago.

So taking Instagram (or even 500px) as an example, unless you are taking photos for someone (or some business), a vast majority wont care about artistic style, the effort, and the thought that goes into the photos you like. 

So all that taken into consideration, take photos for you. Take a photo of your cat, from 500 different angles, that's your prerogative. If you like the photo, then that is what matters (unless its a paid gig, but that's a different story). Photos that matter to you are whats important.

A body of work, an artistic interpretation of something, is up to you. Creating something that caters to other people is a job, creating something that matters to you is (in my opinion) is art.

The following are some of my photos that are for me... 

55mm f/1.2 ISO 5000 1/60s

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